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Small white in a sentence

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Sentence count:72Posted:2019-03-11Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: bullwhipin a small waysmall wondersmall wonder thatwhitewhiteywhitenwhitedMeaning: n. small widely distributed form. 
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1. The small white blooms appear in May.
2. It was a seaside town filled with small white bungalows.
3. It was a windy day, and small white clouds were scudding across the blue sky.
4. Small white worms lived in it.
5. Right: Young Swordtails greedily eating small white worm.
6. It has small white flowers[], and leaves that taper to a sharp point.
7. Microworm, sifted very small white worm or grindal worm make an invaluable first food for very small fry.
8. Guppies suffering from this disease are covered in small white spots.
9. Verdugo hands guests small white envelopes soliciting donations for funerals and reconstruction of the shrine.
10. She had the diamond, which is surrounded by small white diamonds in a yellow-gold filigree setting, made into a stickpin.
11. The small white styrofoam flakes rain down like light snow through the cracks.
12. Often but not always there is a small white face patch behind the bill.
13. She watched as Roman poured it into small white cups.
14. Behind it was a small white cliff, the bubble of water.
15. The underside was brown. Small white worms lived in it.
16. Sure enough, it was sprinkled with several dozen small white specks.
16. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
17. Shows up as small white dots on areas of solid colour.
18. The hard wind was rolling small white waves.
19. The letters were pushed in a small white box.
20. Four minutes later, after a brief transit over pillows spotted with small white anemones, we arrive at another low mound.
21. On one side was the island, low and bare: he saw a small white house and a few sheep.
22. Each plant mounds up 12 inches, producing lavish serrated foliage and small white flowers.
23. Before I knew it, she was lying beside me in the small white tent.
24. Rex scooped up a bucket of water and carefully poured some of it into a small white rice bowl.
25. See the magnificent church of St. Mary, surrounded by small white houses set amongst palm trees and stunted eucalyptus.
26. Gaveston looked at the young page boy standing near him, a goblet of wine in his small white hands.
27. There was a green-shaded lamp on his mahogany desk, and a small white Olympia typewriter.
28. Raju had already gone home, so Koju, Bhairon and I camped by a small white temple.
29. He was about to call Bodie when he noticed a small white writing pad in the opened kitchen drawer.
30. I was shown up a narrow back stair to a small white room with a very hard bed in one corner.
More similar words: bullwhipin a small waysmall wondersmall wonder thatwhitewhiteywhitenwhitedwhiteswhite outoff-whitewhite-outwhiteoutmill wheelwhite goldsnow-whitewhite antwhite-tiewhite manwhite lieegg whitewhite-hotwhite foxwhite tiewhitenerwhitenedwhite-washwhitewashwhitecapwhite hope
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